

Research on waveband combination policy in multi-granularity optical network
摘要 为了有效地传输不同波长粒度的业务,对多粒度光网络波带组合进行了研究。首先介绍了多粒度光网络的模型和光交叉节点,并在此基础上分析了多粒度交叉连接结构的两种结构,单层和多层多粒度交换结构。结合多粒度的交换结构,给出了几种波带组合策略,并对这些策略进行了分析和比较。 In order to effectively transmit the different wavelength granularity services, how combine waveband in multi-granularity optical network is studied. First, it introduces the model and optical cross- connect in multi-granularity optical network. On the basis of the model and optical cross-connect, two kinds of multi-granularity cross-connect structure are analyzed based on single and multi-layer structure; combined with multi-granularity cross-connect structure, the policies of waveband combination are proposed, and the policies are analyzed and compared.
作者 李艳芳 焦磊
出处 《信息技术》 2014年第4期188-192,共5页 Information Technology
关键词 多粒度 交换 光交叉节点 波带交换 波带组合 multi-granularity switching optical cross-connect waveband switching waveband combination
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