
印刷电子技术在生物传感器中的应用 被引量:8

Application of Printing Electronic Technology in Biosensors
摘要 生物传感技术是生物学、化学、物理学和信息科学等的交叉学科,已发展成为一个十分活跃的研究领域。生物传感器经过50年的发展,开始在医学、制药、环境监测、国防和安全等许多领域得到应用。印刷电子技术是将现代印刷技术与微电子技术相结合来制造电子器件的前沿技术,是实现大批量制备生物传感器的最佳方法之一。介绍了生物传感器的研究历程、器件的结构、类型及传感机理,重点总结了应用于不同生物传感器的纳米导电材料、介体物质、印刷油墨和作用原理的研究进展,以及丝网印刷、喷墨打印、微接触印刷及卷对卷印刷等技术在制作生物传感器方面各自的优势和特点。 Biological sensing technology has become a very active research field because it is a new interdiscipline about biology, chemistry, physics and information science and technology. Biosensor has been widely used in many areas such as medical science, pharmacy, environmental monitoring, defense and security after half a century of development. Print- ing electronis technology is a frontier technology of the hybrid of modern printing technology and microelectronic technique, and is one of the best manners to fabricate biological sensors in industry scale. In this paper, the research progress of bio- sensor and its structure, type and sensing mechanism is introduced, the electrically conductive nano-materials, mediators, printing ink and action principle are summarized in different biosensors, especially the application advantages and charac- teristics of screen printing, ink-jet printing, micro-contact printing and roll-to-roll printing in the preparation of biosensors.
出处 《中国材料进展》 CAS CSCD 2014年第3期156-162,179,共8页 Materials China
基金 教育部高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金(20130032110026) 天津市科技支撑计划重点项目(11ZCKFGX01700)
关键词 印刷电子 生物传感器 导电油墨 丝网印刷 printed electronics biosensor electrically conductive printing ink screen printing
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