Fabrication of the parylene-C (PC) film with micropillar arrays was researched, and its influences on the growth and spread of the mouse osteoblast MC3T3 - E1 cells were discussed. The PC film with micropillar arrays was achieved through the deposition of the parylene on the silicon based micropillar arrays. The obtained PC film with micropillar arrays can improve the ad- hesion and spread of the cells, and the space between two neighboring micropillars has a great in- fluence on the area and shape of the cells. The cell length increases with the increment of the space between two neighboring micropillars. When the micropillar edge length is less than 24 μm and the space between two neighboring micropillars is less than 53.7μm, the wider the micropil- lar space, the larger the cell spreading area is.
Micronanoelectronic Technology