According to "Major Issues Concerning Comprehensively Deepening Reforms" approved by the 3rd plenary session of the 18th CPC, to establish a unified urban and rural construction land market, under the premise of conforming to the planning and use control, "Three Equals" (equal market, equal power and equal price) are allowed between rural collective business construction land and state-owned land. The paper analy- zes the basis for the income distribution system of farmland circulation in our country, that of the non - "Three Equals " farmland and their conflictions, and discusses the "Three Equals" income distribution of rural collec- tive business construction land and its conflictions. After the "Three Equals" circulation, there will be a de- cline in land requisition for state owned land and in the conflict between the government and farmers induced by land expropriation, but with the increase of rural construction land collective business circulation, be a rapid growth of conflicts between rural cadres and farmers about the circulation decision-making there will , risk in- come allocation, income distribution, and the fighting for land. The main confliction of farmland between farmers and government officials (developers) will transform into the rural internal confliction between leaders and peasants insides villages village
Journal of Henan University of Technology:Social Science Edition
2013年教育部人文社会科学研究一般项目(13YJA7 90112)
" Three Equals" circulation
confliction between government and farmers
confliction between village cadres and peasants