
领导力研究综述 被引量:8

A study review of leadership
摘要 领导力作为一种神奇的力量,人们对其始终怀有浓厚的兴趣,学术界对领导力的研究从未间断。回顾了大量有关领导力的研究文献,将其分为两大类:一是有关领导力的定义和内涵的研究;二是有关领导力开发的研究。以此分类为线索对相关文献进行评述。近年来,伴随着中国经济的快速崛起,中国企业管理者的领导力水平有了很大提高,但是同发达国家的大型跨国企业相比,仍有显著的差距。聚焦于领导力的研究有助于我国企业竞争力的提升。 Leadership as a magic power, people have always had a keen interest in it, and academic study of leadership has never stopped. Reviewed abundant study about leadership, this paper divides them into two categories: 1, the study about definition and meaning of leadership; 2, the study about leadership development. In recent years, with the rapid rise of the Chinese economy, the leadership level of Chinese business managers has been greatly improved. However, compared with large multinational companies in developed countries, there is still a significant gap. The study focused on leadership will help to improve the competitiveness of Chinese enterprises.
作者 邵天
机构地区 郑州大学商学院
出处 《河北工程大学学报(社会科学版)》 2014年第1期24-25,38,共3页 Journal of Hebei University of Engineering(Social Science Edition)
关键词 领导力 领导力开发 leadership leadership development
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