

Introduction of Supervision on Administrative Measures on Veterinary Prescription Drugs and Veterinary Non -prescription Drugs
摘要 农业部《兽用处方药和非处方药管理办法》已于2013年8月1日经农业部第7次常务会议审议通过,自2014年3月1日起施行。兽药是用于预防、治疗、诊断动物疾病或者有目的地调节动物生理机能的特殊商品。合理使用兽药,可以预防和治疗动物疾病,促进养殖业的健康发展,如使用不当、使用过量或违规使用,则会造成动物或动物源性产品质量安全风险。因此,《兽药管理条例》明确规定对兽药实行分类管理制度。以下简称《办法》,《办法》按照《兽药管理条例》确定的分类管理要求,借鉴一些国家和地区监管经验与做法,并结合我国实际,围绕促进兽医合理用药、保障动物产品安全,对兽药生产、经营和使用管理等作出明确规定。制定并施行《办法》是我国兽药使用规范化管理的重要标志,是提高兽药安全使用水平、保障动物产品质量安全的重要措施,对维护公共卫生安全和人类健康具有重大意义。 Administrative Measures on Veterinary Prescription Drugs and Veterinary Non - prescription Drugs (hereinafter referred to as Measures ) was discussed and approved at the 7th executive meeting of the Ministry of Agriculture on August 1st, 2013 and went into effect on March 1st, 2014. We all know that veterinary drug is a special commodity used to prevent, treat and diagnose animal disease or purposefully regulate animal physiological functions. The rational use of veterinary drugs can prevent and treat animal disease; promote the sound development of breeding industry. Misuse, overdose and illegal use of veterinary drugs will cause safety risk of animals or animal products. Therfore, the Veterinary Medicine Administration Regulation explicitly stipulated that veterinary drug should carry out classification management. According to the classification management requirement established by Veterinary Medicine Administration Reg- ulation, Measures used the experience of other countries and regions for reference and combined the actual situation in our country to make explicitly stipulation about veterinary drug production, operation and management in order to promote the rational use of veterinary drug and ensure the safety of animal products. The establishment and application of Measures is a significant symbol of standardized management of veterinary drug use in our country, and an important measure to im- prove safety use of veterinary drug and ensure the quality safety of animal products. It has important significance for the public health security and human health.
作者 韩建业
出处 《中国饲料添加剂》 2014年第04X期20-22,共3页 China Feed Additive
关键词 兽用处方药 非处方药 监管 对策 veterinary prescription drug veterinary non - prescription drug supervision countermeasure
  • 相关文献


  • 1《兽用处方药和非处方药管理办法》.农业部,2013.








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