目的 评价颞浅动脉组织瓣在修复儿童头面部畸形中的作用。方法 1986年 10月~ 1996年 12月 ,采用颞浅动脉组织瓣修复 13例儿童头面部畸形 ,其中先天性畸形 9例 ,烧伤瘢痕 3例 ,感染后瘢痕 1例。采用颞部皮瓣 1例 ,颞部毛发皮瓣 3例 ,额部皮瓣 1例 ,耳后浅筋膜瓣与皮瓣 8例。组织瓣大小为 5 .0 cm× 1.2 cm~10 .0 cm× 5 .0 cm,皮瓣蒂长 5~ 8cm。结果 术后组织瓣均 期愈合。术后 10例获得随访 ,时间 6个月~ 12年 ,皮瓣色泽似邻近皮肤 ,质地柔软 ,厚薄适中 ,毛发瓣毛发生长良好 ,耳后浅筋膜瓣与皮瓣满足耳再造需要。所有病例术后切口瘢痕隐蔽 ,外观获明显改善。结论 颞浅动脉组织瓣血供丰富 ,邻近受区 ,易操作且形态良好 ,适用于儿童头面部多种畸形的修复。
Objective To evaluate the effect of tissue flap pedicled with the superficial temporal artery in repairing deformity of the head and face in children. Methods From October 1986 to December 1996, 13 children with deformity of the head and face were repaired by this tissue flap. Among them, there were congenital deformity in 9 cases, burned scar in 3 cases and infection scar in 1 case. Among the flaps, 1 was temporal skin flap, 3 were temporal flap with hairbearing scalp, 1 was frontal skin flap, and 8 were posterio uricular superficial fascia flap and skin flap. The area of tissue flap was ranged from 5.0 cm×1.2 cm to 10.0 cm×5.0 cm. The length of the pedicle was 5~8 cm. Results All tissue flaps healed with first intention. Followed up for 6 months to 12 years, the appearance and function of tissue flaps were satisfactory. Conclusion The tissue flap pedicled with the superficial temporal artery is suitable to repair many kinds of deformities of the head and face in children. It has the advantages of good blood supply, closely acceptor area, easy operation and satisfactory appearance.
Chinese Journal of Reparative and Reconstructive Surgery
Tissue flap pedicled with superficial temporal artery Repair Children Deformity of head and face