
分析自发参量下转换光场结构辅助搭建双光子纠缠源 被引量:4

Building entanglement source by analyzing spontaneous parametric down-conversion light field structure
摘要 用高灵敏度光谱仪实测纠缠点附近SPDC光场的波长-空间位置关系、强度-空间位置关系,辅助定位光场中的纠缠点位置,搭建双光子偏振纠缠源.测量不同条件下的符合对比度,计算Bell不等式,验证了量子力学的完备性.该方法提升了传统纠缠源实验的教学品质,同时降低此类传统实验的操作难度,减少学生完成纠缠源实验所需时. A quantum entanglement source was built by analyzing spontaneous parametric down-conversion (SPDC) light field though point location technique ,which employed a high sensitivity spectrograph as a pre-detector to measure the wavelength-space and intensity-space relations .Using this technique ,a high-quality bi-photon polarization entanglement source was obtained .The Bell ine-quality was calculated by measuring the coincidence contrast in different conditions ,and the complete-ness of quantum mechanics was verified .Consequently ,this made the traditional quantum entangle-ment experiment easier and efficient ,and it was possible to get more students involved in .
机构地区 清华大学物理系
出处 《物理实验》 2014年第4期5-10,共6页 Physics Experimentation
关键词 量子纠缠 纠缠源 自发参量下转换光场 quantum entanglement entanglement source spontaneous parametric dow n-conver-sion light field
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