
城市化与产业结构升级协调发展研究 被引量:8

Research on the Coordinated Development of Urbanization and Industrial Structure Upgrading
摘要 城市化与产业结构升级的协调发展,本质上是保持城市化水平与一二三次产业的发展速度相协调。产业结构的升级是指三次产业的就业比重和产值比例,由低水平逐步过渡到高水平。城市化水平的提高必然会使农业从业人员的比重下降,农业产出占国内生产总值的比例降低。城市化与工业化是同步的,聚集效应使得工业集中分布在城市,并提高了城市化水平。城市化水平的提高伴随着工业从业人员比重上升,工业产值占国内生产总值的比重提高。第三产业的快速发展是城市化水平提高的持续动力,在城市化的加速阶段,第三产业从业人员的比重增加,第三产业产值占国内生产总值的比例持续上升。要保持城市化的快速发展应积极发展第三产业。 The coordinated development of urbanization and industrial structure upgrading essentially requires the coordina-tion of the urbanization level and the development speeds of the three industries,which is the primary industry,the secondary industry and the tertiary industry.Industrial structure upgrading refers to the gradual transition of the employment and the out-put value proportions of the three industries from low level to high level.The improvement of urbanization level will inevitably reduce the proportion of agricultural workers and the agricultural output ratio of GDP.Urbanization and industrialization are synchronous,as aggregation effect results in concentrating distribution of the industrial enterprises,which in return raises the level of urbanization.And the improvement of urbanization level is accompanied by the rise both in the proportion of industry practitioners and industrial output value ratio of GDP.The fast development of the tertiary industry serves as the continuous momentum for the improvement in the urbanization level.In the acceleration phase of urbanization,the proportion of the tertia-ry industry practitioners rises,the tertiary industry output value ratio of GDP continues to rise,and therefore,the tertiary in-dustry should be actively developed in order to maintain the rapid development of urbanization.
出处 《齐鲁学刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第2期101-105,共5页 Qilu Journal
基金 山东省社会科学规划青年项目"鲁南镇带城市化的产业支撑体系研究"(13DJJZ02) 国家自然科学基金青年项目"工业水污染对农村发展的影响及利益补偿机制的研究"(70903060) 浙江省自然科学基金项目"浙江省工业水污染对农村发展的影响及利益补偿机制研究"(Y6090552)
关键词 城市化 产业结构升级 农业 工业 第三产业 Urbanization Agriculture Industry Tertiary Industry
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