目的:探讨Luminal亚型乳腺癌中临床病理因子间的关系。方法回顾性分析145例ER阳性乳腺癌的临床病理及免疫组织化学方法测定的分子生物学指标。结果按年龄将患者分为3组:40岁以下为青年组,40岁-59岁为中年组,60岁及以上为老年组。 T分期与N分期呈正相关,相关系数为0.272,P=0.001。 ER与PR表达强度间呈正相关,相关系数为0.469,P=0.000。年龄与HER2表达强度呈负相关,相关系数为-0.197,P=0.17。结论原发肿瘤越大腋窝淋巴结转移风险越高,ER和PR表达强度密切相关,年龄与HER2表达强度呈负相关,年龄越大,HER2表达强度越低。 Luminal亚型乳腺癌中PR、HER2是进一步分型和治疗选择的重要参考指标,准确检测至关重要。
Objective To explore relationship among clinicopathological factors in Luminal subtype breast cancer. Meth-ods The data of 145 female patients with Luminal subtype breast cancer were collected retrospectively. Their relationship with bi-omarkers, such as ER, PR, HER2, P53, age, stage of TNM was analyzed. Results Tumor size was positively related with me-tastasis of lymph node. The correlation between expression of ER and PR was statistically significant(r=0. 469, P=0. 000). The expression of HER2 was negatively related with age(r= -0. 197, P =0. 017). Conclusion The opportunity of metastasis of lymph node in large tumor is higher than in little tumor. The expression of ER and PR is coactions in breast cancer. The HER2 is more likely over expression in younger patient with breast cancer. PR and HER2 play important role in treatment of Luminal sub-type breast cancer, and need to be examined exactly.
Sichuan Medical Journal