由朝鲜内医郑正先撰、杨礼寿校正 ,成书于 16~ 17世纪时期的《医林撮要》一书 ,共 13卷12 8门 ,它引用了大量李朝前期的朝鲜医书及当时已成书的中国医书资料 ,是一部非常切合临床应用的综合性方书。特别是书中所收载的“中朝质问方”和“中朝传习方”中的方剂 ,若干处与中国宋代医书《仁斋直指方论》等有诸多联系 ,是中国和朝鲜医学交流过程中的重要记录。但它与记载中朝两国政府官员之间医学质问的傅懋光《医学疑问》毫不相关。
Yi lin cuo yao,including 13 chapters and 128 categories,was written by Zheng Zhengxian and collated by Yang Lishou,both Korean imperial physicians in the 16-17th centuries.With notation of a number of the Chinese and Korean medical books and materials in the first decade of the Li dynasty,this book is a comprehensive prescription work,very useful to clinical application.Especially with several points of the formulas from Zhong chao zhi wen fang (Sino-Korean Prescriptions of Questioning) and zhong chao chuan xi fang (Sino-Korean Prescriptions of Questioning) recorded in this book connected with Ren zhai zhi zhi fang lun (Renzhai's Comprehensive Prescriptions) in the Song dynasty.This book is an important record of the exchanges on medical ideas between China and Korea.However,it has nothing to do with Yi xue yi wen (Questions on Medicine) by Fu Maoguang,which records the questions and answers between Chinese and Korean officials.
Chinese Journal of Medical History
Yi lin cuo yao (Essentials of Medical Works)
Zhong chao zhi wen fang (Sino-Korean Prescriptions of Questioning)
zhong chao chuan xi fang (Sino-Korean Prescriptions for Learning)
Yi xue yi wen (Questions on Medicine)