改革的实践证明 ,继续深化学校体育的改革和发展必须依赖于第一生产力——科学技术 ,因此建立科学体育新体系 ,加速学校体育的科学化势在必行。本文探索了科学体育的内涵和基本内容 ,从实现科学体育的意义、基础等方面论证了建立科学体育、实现学校体育科学化的必要性和可行性 ,并提出了应解决的几个关键问题。
The practice in physical training reformation has proved that deepening the reformation must depend on the first productive force——science and technology.Therefore,it is necessary for us to adopt a new system of scientific physical culture so as to quicken the steps in realizing the scientific modernization of the school physical training. The paper is trying to probe into the essence of scientific physical culture.From the viewpoint of the significance and bases of the realization of scientific physical modernzation of the physical culture,the paper proues the recessity and possibility in realizafionof scieutifir education, and three key points for further solution of relevant problems are also presented here.
Higher Agricultural Education