DNA tetrahedral nanostructures are considered to be uew nanocarriers because they can be precisely controlled and hold excellent penetration ability to the cellular membrane. Although the DNA tetrahedral nanostructure is extensively studied in biology and medicine, its behavior in the cells with nanoscale resolution is not understood clearly. In this letter, we demonstrate superrcsolution fluorescence imaging of the distribution of DNA tetrahedral nanostructures in the cell with a simulated emission depletion (STED) microscope, which is built based on a conventional eonfocal microscope and can t)rovide a resolution of 70 nm.
DNA tetrahedral nanostructures are considered to be uew nanocarriers because they can be precisely controlled and hold excellent penetration ability to the cellular membrane. Although the DNA tetrahedral nanostructure is extensively studied in biology and medicine, its behavior in the cells with nanoscale resolution is not understood clearly. In this letter, we demonstrate superrcsolution fluorescence imaging of the distribution of DNA tetrahedral nanostructures in the cell with a simulated emission depletion (STED) microscope, which is built based on a conventional eonfocal microscope and can t)rovide a resolution of 70 nm.
supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grand Nos.61008056,21227804,61078016,and 61378062)