Fuzzy clustering algorithm is an image segmentation combining of unsupervised clustering and fuzzy set concept which is widely used in image segmentation. But fuzzy clustering algorithm is sensitive to initial value. It is largely dependent on the choice of the initial cluster centers and easy to converge to local minimum value. Only the pixel values of the current image are considered when calculating the degree of membership,instead of the relationship between the neighborhood pixels. So it is unsatisfactory for noised image segmentation. An image segmentation based on improved fuzzy clustering algorithm is presented in this paper. The data is briefed under the premise of not losing data clustering structure. And then nuclear mapping is introduced into linear space so that the briefed data is mapped to high-dimension feature space to be divided. Lastly,space neighborhood pixel values are used to correct the membership of current pixel space. The simulation shows that the algorithm presented in this paper effectively solves the problems like local optimum convergence and stagnation in the iteration process. The best global clustering is achieved with much lower iterations. The algorithm has advantages such as efficient robust and it is insensitive to noise.
Video Engineering
data reduction
fuzzy kernel clustering
image segmentation