鱼类种群中部分个体表现出的运动方向偏好常常与捕食或逃逸策略有关。本研究以中华倒刺鲃(Spinibarbus sinensis)幼鱼为对象,将40尾实验鱼于(20±1.0)℃条件下单独饲养,然后分别进行10次T形迷宫实验,以确定实验鱼是否存在方向偏好(朝迷宫同一方向8次及以上则认为该实验鱼有方向偏好行为),并计算方向偏好程度;随后将上述实验每隔3 d进行一次重复,重复3次(共测试4次),以考查初次测试中具偏好个体在重复实验中是否仍保持初始方向偏好。结果表明:4次测试中具方向偏好个体占全部实验鱼的(53.4±3.8)%,其中左、右偏好各占(19.2±1.3)%、(34.2±4.0)%,且4次测试之间的相对偏侧指数(relative lateralization index,LR)没有显著差异;3次跟踪重复测试后,保持了初始方向偏好的个体占全部实验鱼的比例呈下降趋势,由初始的45.0%依次下降到21.0%、16.7%和17.1%,首次重复显著下降(P<0.05),随后的重复则不再下降,稳定后左、右方向偏好各占比例均为8.57%;中华倒刺鲃种群中存在具运动方向偏好的个体,但比例低于相关文献报道的其他鱼类,提示该种鱼的运动方向偏好可能对其生存适合度的贡献较小;实验还提示,跟踪重复测试对于该种鱼运动方向偏好的评估具有十分重要的作用。
The locomotive lateralization in certain individuals among a fish population is often relative to predatory tactic and predator escape strategy. To investigate whether the locomotive lateralization exhibited in Spinibarbus sinensis ( evaluated by if the individual fish run to the same direction more than 8 times out of 10 T-detour trails), we selected 40 S. sinensis and reared indi- vidually at 20±1.0 ℃, and then we performed 10 detour trails in each individual for scoring the direction. To investigate the repeatability of locomotive lateralization, we repeated 10 detour trails by 3 more times at 3-day interval (4 series in total). Taking the 4 series as a whole, (53.4 ± 3.8) % individuals exhibited lateralization with either left ( 19.2 ± 1.3 ) % or right ( 34.2 ± 4.0) % preference. Furthermore, there was no significant difference in relative lateralization in- dex (LR) among four series. However, after marked repeating with 3 series, the proportion of individuals keeping initial direction significantly decreased from 45.0% at the first series to 21.0% (P〈0.05), 16.7% and 17.1% at the second to fourth series, respectively. The pro- portions of individuals showing stabilized left and right lateralization were both 8.57%. It was suggested that locomotive lateralization exhibited in certain individuals of S. sinensis. However, the individuals exhibiting stabilized lateralization were much less than other fish species, sugges- ting that locomotive lateralization may have little contribution to the survival fitness of S. sinensis. Furthermore, the results suggested that marked repeating test was important for assessing the lo-comotive lateralization.
Chinese Journal of Ecology