
北极地区含油气潜力及勘探开发趋势分析 被引量:16

Arctic oil and natural gas potential and exploration and development trend
摘要 北极地区面积辽阔、自然条件恶劣,但富含油气。北极含油气盆地以被动陆缘盆地为主。侏罗系烃源岩发育最广,侏罗系砂岩是普遍发育的区域优质储层,白垩系泥页岩是区域性盖层。以成藏组合为单元评价了环北极11个盆地,其他13个盆地参考USGS评价结果。评价结果显示,环北极24个盆地待发现原油资源量149亿t(包括凝析油40亿t),待发现天然气资源量46万亿m3。其中,叶尼赛—哈坦加次盆(东西伯利亚盆地)待发现油气资源量最大,其次为东巴伦支海盆地、喀拉海次盆(西西伯利亚盆地)、麦肯齐盆地和东格陵兰盆地;待发现原油资源主要分布在俄罗斯、美国等国家,待发现天然气资源则主要分布在俄罗斯。近年来,挪威东巴伦支海台地是北极油气勘探最为活跃的地区。 The Arctic is featured not only by vast area, poor natural conditions and territorial disputes, but also by its rich oil and gas resources. Petroliferous basins in Arctic are mainly passive continental margin basins. Jurassic source rocks are the most widely developed among others, while the Jurassic sandstone reservoirs are also widely developed as high quality reservoir in the area. The Cretaceous shale is the regional cap rock. According to the evaluation based on play cored assessment, 11 basins are assessed in Arctic, and the resources of the rest 13 basins refer to the USGS assessments. According to the assessment results, the undiscovered oil resources are 14. 9 billion tons, including 4.0 billion tons gas condensate, and the undiscovered gas resources are 46 trillion cubic metres. The Yenisey-Khatanga basin holds the largest undiscovered oil and gas resources, then East Barents Sea basin, South Kara-Yamal Sub-basin, Mackenzie Delta and East Greenland basin. In Arctic, the undiscovered oil resources are mainly distributed in Russia and USA, and the undiscovered gas resources are mainly distributed in Russia. In recent years, the East Barents Platform is the most active area in the Arctic oil and gas exploration.
出处 《地学前缘》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第3期47-55,共9页 Earth Science Frontiers
基金 国家油气重大专项(2011ZX05028) 中国石油天然气股份公司重大科技专项(2013E-0501)
关键词 北极地区 成藏组合 资源潜力 勘探新发现 Arctic play resource potential new exploration discoveries
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