
苜蓿饲喂杂交肉羊育肥效果试验 被引量:4

Test on Fattening Effect of Alfalfa Feeding Hybrid Mutton Sheep
摘要 为了验证苜蓿饲喂杂交肉羊的效果.选择临床健康的断奶公羔20只、按年龄、体重、相同或相近的原则,配对分为对照组和试验组,每组10头.试验组饲喂养殖场周边地区的苜蓿粉碎切成2~3cm,对照组饲喂秸秆草,经80d饲喂.结果表明:实验组日均增重253g/只,对照组日均增重234/只,试验组比对照组提高8.12%(P<0.05);每增加1kg净肉成本试验组24.80元、对照组为27.24元.试验组比对照组成本费减少9.67%.结果表明:苜蓿草饲喂肉羊增重效果显著. The purpose of this paper is to verify the offect of alfalfa feeding hybrid mutton sheep. 20 weaning male lambs were selected to divide to control group and experimental group according to similar age and body weight, the pair were divided into control group and experimental group, each group of 10 head. Iambs in experimental group were fed alfalfa powder with length of 2 - 3em from farms surrounding areas. Lambs in control group were fed straw. The experiment lasted 80 days. The results showed that increase average daily gain weight of 253 g for each lamb in experimental group and increase average daily gain weight of 234g for each lamb in control group. Increasing by 8.12% ( P 〈 0.05 ). The cost of increasing 1 kg net meat need 24.80RMB for experimental group and 27.24 RMB for control group. The cost reduced by 9.57%. Conclusion :It showed that gaining weight effect is remarkable by feeding Iambs with alfalfa.
作者 李丰成
出处 《青海畜牧兽医杂志》 2014年第2期19-20,共2页 Chinese Qinghai Journal of Animal and Veterinary Sciences
关键词 苜蓿 饲喂 肉羊 增重效果 Alfalfa Feeding Mutton sheep Effect of gaining weight.
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