
水酶法工艺对不同植物油品质特性的影响 被引量:8

Effects of aqueous enzymatic extraction on quality characteristics of different vegetable oils
摘要 水相酶解法(水酶法)提油技术是一种能充分发挥资源综合利用效能的新技术。综述了水酶法提油技术对植物油料提取的大豆油、葵花籽油、橄榄油、油茶籽油以及粮食加工副产物提取的玉米胚芽油、米糠油的脂肪酸组成、质量指标、氧化稳定性以及特征功能性组分含量的影响,以期为后续毛油精炼工艺研究和更为科学、全面分析水酶法提油技术的经济可行性提供基础数据。 Aqueous enzymatic extraction is a novel technology that can make full use of the comprehensive utilization efficiency of resource. The effects of aqueous enzymatic extraction on the fatty acid composi- tions, quality indexes, oxidative stabilities and typical functional components contents of soybean oil, sunflower seed oil, olive oil and oil - tea camellia seed oil extracted from plant oilseeds and corn germ oil and rice bran oil extracted from cereal processing by -products were reviewed so as to provide basic datas for the following refining process of crude oil and scientific and comprehensiw~ economic feasibility analysis of aqueous enzymatic extraction technology.
出处 《中国油脂》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第4期5-9,共5页 China Oils and Fats
基金 国家863课题(2013AA102104) 2013年行业公益专项(201313011-7) 公益性科研院所基金(ZX1306)
关键词 水酶法 植物油 质量指标 氧化稳定性 aqueous enzymatic extraction vegetable oil quality index oxidative stability
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