
不同固定方法对野生型及β受体基因敲除C57小鼠心电指标的影响 被引量:2

Influence of Different Fixing Methods on Cardiac Index in C57 Mice of Wild Type and β-adrenoceptor Knockout Mice
摘要 目的:通过对比3种不同固定状态下心电图指标的变化来选择测量小鼠心电图最佳的固定方式。方法:测量小鼠在自制鼠套、胶带捆绑以及呼吸麻醉3种不同状态下心电指标ST段幅值以及心率的变化。结果:两种动物心电图ST段幅值在捆绑和麻醉状态下较安静状态(即自制鼠套固定)明显抬高(P<0.01);C57BL6小鼠心率在捆绑状态下较安静状态明显加快(P<0.05,P<0.01),而β1/β2-AR-/-小鼠在麻醉状态下较安静状态和捆绑状态均明显减慢(P<0.01)。结论:相对于捆绑和麻醉方式,利用鼠袋固定小鼠更能真实地反映其生理/病理状态,是实验研究中测量心电指标较好的固定方式。 This study was aimed to choose the best fixing method of electrocardiogram (ECG) measurement in mice by comparison of ECG index in three different fixing ways. Changes of ST amplitude and heart rate in ECG were measured in the self-made mouse sets, tape bundling or breathing anesthesia state. The amplitudes of the ST seg-ment in C57BL6 mice and β1/β2-AR double knockout mice were elevated in tape bundling or breathing anesthesia state in comparison with that in the self-made mouse sets (all P 〈 0.01). The heart rate under the tape bundling state in C57BL6 mice was significantly faster than that in the self-made mouse sets (P〈 0.05 or P〈 0.01). And the heart rate under anesthesia in β1/β2-AR double knockout mice was significantly slower than that in tape bundling state or the self-made mouse sets (both P 〈 0.01). It was concluded that relative to the binding and anesthesia method, fixing mouse in the self-made mouse sets, which can more truly reflect the physiological or pathological states, is a relatively good fixing method of ECG measurement in experimental study.
出处 《世界科学技术-中医药现代化》 北大核心 2014年第2期249-253,共5页 Modernization of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Materia Medica-World Science and Technology
基金 科技部国家重点基础研究发展计划("973"计划)项目(2012CB518503):经穴效应循经特异性靶器官响应的生物学基础研究 负责人:荣培晶 国家自然科学基金委重点项目(81130063):穴位-靶器官效应的交互调节与穴位配伍的生物学 负责人:朱兵
关键词 固定方法 心电图ST段幅值 心率 生理/病理状态 Fixing method ST-segment amplitude in ECG heart rate physiological / pathological states
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