单细胞凝胶电泳是一种在单细胞水平检测哺乳类有核细胞 DNA断裂的新技术。本文着重介绍了该技术在 DNA辐射损伤、辐射致突致癌分子机制、自由基清除与辐射效应阻断药物、辐射剂量估算、肿瘤放射敏感性的预测、辐射诱发细胞凋亡的研究中的应用进展。
The single cell gel electrophoresis(SCGE),also called comet assay,is a sensitive and rapid method for DNA damage detection in individual mammalian cell.Its use has increased significantly in the past few years.Applications in the field of radiation medicine are reviewed and possible future directions of the technique are briefly explored.
Foreign Medical Sciences(Section of Radiation Medicine and Nuclear Medicine)