目的了解佛山市职业病危害状况,为职业卫生的监管工作和更好地开展职业病防治工作提供依据,对佛山市职业病防治院完成的建设项目职业病危害评价报告进行分析,为开展职业病防治工作提供依据。方法对2008—2012年佛山市职业病防治所完成的职业病危害评价报告进行统计分析。结果 2008—2012年共完成建设项目职业病危害评价报告151份,预评价138份,控制效果评价13份;定性为职业病危害严重的建设项目占27.8%,一般危害的占67.5%,轻微危害的占4.6%;职业有害因素以噪声、尘、毒为主,且接触者占企业劳动定员的绝大多数,多为一线生产员工。结论佛山市职业病防治工作形势严峻,有关部门应加强职业卫生监管工作。
[ Objective ] To understand the status of occupational hazards in Foshan City, provide the basis for occupational health supervision and oceupational hazards prevention, analyze the occupational hazard evaluation reports that had been completed by Foshan Institute of Oecupational Disease Prevention and Control, and provide the scientifie basis for the prevention and control of occupational disease. [ Methods] The oceupational hazard evaluation reports that had been completed by Foshan Institute of Occupa- tional Disease Prevention and Control from 2008-2012 were statistically analyzed. [ Results] During 2008-2012, there were 151 oc- cupational hazard evaluation reports, including 138 pre-assessment reports and 13 control effect assessment reports. The projects with serious occupational hazards aeeounted for 27.8% , general hazards and slight hazards accounted for 6"/. 5% and 4.6% re- spectively. The major oeeupational hazard factors were noise, dust and poison. The contacts who accounted for the vast majority of enterprise labor capaeity were mostly production line workers. [ Conclusion ] The situation of oecupational disease prevention and control in Foshan is grim, and relevant departments should strengthen the occupational health management and supervision.
Occupation and Health
Construction project
Assessment of control effect