目的了解浙江市场上儿童使用的口服液保健品中塑化剂残留情况,为今后开展监管工作提供依据。方法在浙江省十一个地市的药店,超市采样24批,参考GB/T 21911-2008《食品中邻苯二甲酸酯的测定》利用气质联用检测口服液中塑化剂的残留。结果共检测24批样品,8批检出塑化剂,检出率33.3%,检出率较高的是邻苯二甲酸丁基苄基酯(BBP)和邻苯二甲酸二异丁酯(DIBP),BBP检出率达25.0%,DIBP达16.7%,邻苯二甲酸二甲酯(DMP)检出率达4.2%,这几种塑化剂含量较低,均不超过0.5 mg/kg。而一批样品邻苯二甲酸二(2-乙基)己酯(DEHP)含量较高,达4.1 mg/kg,超过卫生部相关文件规定的限度1.5 mg/kg。结论随着改善记忆和改善生长发育类保健品口服液被儿童及家长的广泛接受,需要加强其中这类高风险物质的监管,维护儿童身体健康。
Objective To understand the PAEs residue in oral solutions for children on Zhejiang market,and provide scientific basis for hygiene supervision in future. Methods Twenty-four batches of samples were randomly collected from pharmacies and supermarkets in 11 prefecture-level cities of Zhejiang province to detect the PAEs residue by GC / MS according to GB / T 21911-2008 " Determination of phthalates esters in foods". Results Phthalates were found in 8 batches of all the samples, the overall detection rate was 33. 3%. The detection rates of BBP( 25. 0%) and DIBP( 16. 7%) were higher than others. The detection rate of DMP was 4. 2%,and the contents of these kinds of phthalates esters were relatively low,not higher than 0. 5 mg / kg. While DEHP level was 4. 1 mg / kg in one batch of samples,far beyond the allowance level( 1. 5 mg / kg) in relative official documents. Conclusion With the popularity of oral solution health food about memory improvement and improving growth and development of children,monitoring and supervision of high-risk chemicals in these kinds of food for children should be strengthened to protect the health of children as far as possible.
Chinese Journal of Health Laboratory Technology