
“当下性”与历史主义之双重面向 被引量:4

The Issue of the Present and the Double Dimensions of Historicism
摘要 "中国特殊论"之争,是晚近数年缠绕汉语思想界的一个核心论题,其背后所涉及的哲学问题,便正是"当下性"(与"永恒性"相对)问题与历史主义(与普世主义相对)问题。要在哲学层面讨论"中国特殊论",我们就需要首先追问:"当下性"何以重要?而在思想史中,黑格尔的历史主义命题与利奥·施特劳斯的反历史主义命题,则给我们深入探索这个问题提供了丰厚的思想资源与反思对象。通过这样一个学理性的探索,我们得以将"中国特殊论"置入特殊与普遍的辩证中来理解。若从作为批判存在论的"当下的存在论"视角重新审视"中国模式",可以摆脱当下汉语学界"左""右"之争的缠绕,使这场讨论产生出更为积极的学理与实践意义。 Taking the recent heated debate on China's particularities among Chinese scholars as its starting point,this paper endeavors to tackle the issues of the present and particularism at a philosophical level. It consists of four parts. Firstly,the paper addresses the question why the present matters significantly to sociopolitical deliberations. Then it moves on in discussing the inner ambiguities of Hegel's historicism,and the problems of Leo Strauss' s anti-historicist thesis. The last section of the paper proposes a dialectics between the particular and the universal,and argues that once( re) viewing the'China model'topic from the perspective of the Foucauldian 'ontology of the present'as critical ontology,participants of this current debate will be able to free themselves from the factionalist opposition between 'Rightists'and 'Leftists',and turn the debate into a more productive one.
作者 吴冠军
出处 《华东师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第2期47-55,152,共9页 Journal of East China Normal University(Humanities and Social Sciences)
基金 上海市浦江人才项目(12PJC036)的阶段性成果
关键词 中国特殊论 当下性 历史主义 群学 中国模式 theories of a special China,the present,historicism,the philosophy of living together,the China model
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