目的 探讨血管紧张素转换酶 (ACE)基因第 16内含子中插入片段 (insertion ,I )和缺失片段 (deletion ,D)的多态性与妊娠高血压综合征 (妊高征 )的关系。方法 应用聚合酶链反应 (PCR)技术检测 6 0例妊高征患者 (妊高征组 )及 5 0例正常孕妇 (正常妊娠组 )的ACE基因插入与缺失多态性。测定并比较妊高征组不同ACE基因类型者及正常妊娠组血管紧张素Ⅱ (AngⅡ )水平。结果 妊高征组ACE基因类型包括纯合插入型 (II)、纯合缺失型 (DD)、插入与缺失型 (ID)。其基因频率依序排列为II(5 5 0 % ,33/ 6 0 ) >ID(2 6 7% ,16 / 6 0 ) >DD(18 3% ,11/ 6 0 )。妊高征组DD者AngⅡ水平较正常妊娠组高 ;妊高征组II及ID者AngⅡ水平与正常妊娠组比较 ,差异无显著性 (P >0 0 5 )。结论 妊高征患者ACE基因的多态性可分为II、DD、ID。以II为主。DD妊高征患者伴有AngⅡ水平升高。
Objective To study the relationship between the 16th intron insertion/deletion (I/D) polymorphism of angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) gene and pregnancy induced hypertension (PIH). Methods The 16th intron I/D polymorph ism of ACE gene in 60 PIH women (PIH group) and 50 normal pregnant women (control group) was detected by PCR. The type of ACE gene in PIH group was assessed and the serum concentration of angiotesin Ⅱ (AngⅡ) was compared between PIH group and control group. Results ACE gene types in the PIH women included: insertion homozygote II, deletion homozygote (DD) and insertion/deletion heterozygote (ID). The gene frequency was 55 0% (33/60) for II, 26 7% (16/60) for ID and 18 3% (11/60) for DD respectively. The frequency of insertion allelotype (0 7) of PIH group was higher than that of control group (0 3) ( P <0 05). The Ang Ⅱ concentration in DD type PIH women was higher than that in control group although the AngⅡconcentration in II type and I D type PIH was not different from control. Conclusions ACE gene polymorphism in the PIH women included: insertion homozygote II, deletion homozygote (DD) and insertion/deletion heterozygote (ID). The concentration of Ang Ⅱ in DD type PIH women was higher than in control. It is suggested that the pathogenesis of PIH may be connected with multiple genes and factors.
Chinese Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology
Peptidyl dipeptidase A
Polymorphism (genetics)
Pregnancy complications, cardiovascular