通过对国内外现代有轨电车供电系统的设计状况和供电行业10 kV环网供电的现状进行调研分析,结合国内类似工程项目的建设情况,提出了10 kV双电源单环网+负荷开关环网柜与箱式牵引变电所分离设置+架空接触网加强绝缘技术的供电系统设计方案。该方案具有降低工程造价和运营成本,"经济、实用、安全、可靠"的优点,有利于促进现代有轨电车低成本、高效率、有序的建设发展。
The article investigates the current design of power supply system of modern tram both in China and overseas,and the application of 10kV ring network in the power supply industry. Combined with the construction of similar project in China,it proposes an improved solution for the modern tram power supply system,which is composed of 10kV single ring dual power network,load switchgear ring main unit,separate setting box-type traction substation and reinforced insulation overhead catenary. The design solution can reduce the costs of construction and operation. So it is economic,practical,safe and reliable,contributing to the modern tram development positively and orderly with lower cost and high efficiency.
Underground Engineering and Tunnels