

Geometric Constraints Incurred Reconfigurable Displacement Group Properties
摘要 提出基于位移子群的构态重构理论模型,由此探讨约束驱动的空间变胞运动链连续衍生设计策略。通过结合机构构态含拓扑与功能两方面变化特性分析,定义变胞机构中可重构特性的内涵,并将其封装进变胞结构单元,即变胞单元,依据此构建空间运动链构态特性的约束模型,分别构建构态约束矩阵与构态约束特征图,分析约束驱动生成运动链群的构型思想。具体是通过分析子群元素组合对应的构态变化,讨论约束作用性质与子群组合规律,确定几何约束引导单元的交、并运算规则,得出子群约束模型理论,驱动构态方案变化时对应的约束规则与方案衍生过程。深入研究构态约束图对空间变胞链中的拓扑与功能特征尤其含自由度特征的作用机制及约束操作规则、子群运动子集的组合规律,使得变胞运动链的设计转化为子群构态约束特征中元素的改变问题,由此构建变胞机构的多构态结构模型向约束驱动几何模型映射的建模方法,为变胞运动链群的构型方案自动生成与设计提供理论支持。 The geometrized displacement group is set up to assist for metamorphic reconfigurations and investigations on metamorphic rules occurred with reconfigurable constraint variations. A metamorphic mechanism is regarded as a set of metamorphic modules while each is composed by binary composition of single groups under invariant configuration properties. Module combination and reconfiguration are taken as generator in producing metamorphosis. The group based reconfiguration properties by setting up constraint set and matrix in topology and motion variation analysis are further revealed. To illustrate the configuration constraints and the corresponding kinematic properties, geometric constraint modeling is set up. The constraint operation rules are further discussed according to group compositions. The reconfiguration approach is deduced with metamorphic module variation principles under the constraint design concept.
出处 《机械工程学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第7期23-31,共9页 Journal of Mechanical Engineering
基金 国家自然科学基金(51205033) 国家博士后基金(082160)资助项目
关键词 变胞机构 变胞机器人机构 可重构策略 位移子群 约束图 metamorphic mechanism metamorphic robot reconfiguration technique displacement group constraint graph
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