

摘要 计算能力、信息提取和交流系统所带来的改变,已经在制造业中“肆虐”。关于这样一个新时代的表述不尽相同:德国称其“工业4.0”(Industry4.0),美国则更多地将之概况为颇为宏大的概念“工业互联网”(IndustriaIIntemet)o实际上,无论叫什么名字,本质上都是信息技术与工业技术的高度融合,表述的是网络、计算机技术、信息技术、软件与自动化技术的深度交织所产生新的价值模型。 No one can deny that our life is being changed by the Internet and technology. This revolution is substantially the fusion between information technology and industrial technologies. New value models are generated through the interlacing of network, computer technology, information technology, software and automation technology. This ongoing revolution has the following features: intelligent machine that uses advanced sensors, control and software to link large amount of machines and equipment together; advanced analyzing power based on expert knowledge to help analyze machine and system operation; enabling people to perform design, operation and maintenance with high quality and security no matter where they work.Actually, for people who are familiar with production management tools such as ERP, PLM and supply chain management, now they can finally create 'intelligent factory' based on the blueprint of automated factory in fields such as communication, data processing, automated control and simulation. In Germany, famous companies including BASF, BMW, Bosch, SAP and Siemens are putting great resources into future factory, and across the Pacific Ocean, General Electric is also trying to combine machine analysis, industrial insights, automation and commercial forecast to build the brand new industrial Internet.According to research done by Booz & Company, the 'intelligent factory' has four goals: intelligent products, automated production, combination of information flow and material flow, as well as synchronized value chain. All these need to more resources from various aspects including factory layout, equipment, production process and human resources. Though no company can claim to have finished the building of intelligent factory, the pioneers have already set out. After visiting factories including Schneider, BMW and Bosch, we attempt to uncover the prototype of these 'intelligent factories' and describe this ongoing revolution.
作者 刘晓芳
出处 《IT经理世界》 2014年第8期56-61,共6页
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