
辅助喷口对喷动床流动性能的影响研究 被引量:1

Study of flow characteristic of spouted bed with auxiliary spouted gas
摘要 等离子体-喷动床结合了先进的等离子体技术与喷动床装置,但由于热等离子体的超高温,颗粒在流动过程中,容易发生熔融、结块与团聚等,导致等离子体-喷动床底部颗粒循环变差、形成流动死区,甚至停止喷动,研究中一般采用引入流化气流解决这一问题。文章研究了具有辅助喷口的中心开孔分布板的喷动床的操作特性,以期为今后的具有辅助喷口的等离子体-喷动床生物质热解气化实验提供基础数据参考。 Plasma spouted bed reactor is a combination of plasma technology and a spouted bed by combining the plasma flow of the single central opening .However ,due to the ultrahigh temperature of the thermal plas-ma ,with the granulation of the particles ,the larger particles tend to stay longer in the jet due to their larger terminal velocities ,which results in the agglomeration and sintering of the concentrate at the base of the reac-tor and poor circulation of the solids in the bed .The proposed plasma spout-fluid bed reactor would improve temperature distributions and solids circulation with the addition of a fluidizing gas to the bed .The operation characteristic of the spouted reactor possessing centrally opened distribution plate with auxiliary spouted gas is studied so as to provide basic data reference for the biomass pyrolysis and gasification experiments of the plas -ma spouted bed reactor with auxiliary spouted gas .
出处 《合肥工业大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第4期390-393,共4页 Journal of Hefei University of Technology:Natural Science
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(51078092) 广州市教育局"羊城学者"计划资助项目(10A039G) 广州市教育局市属高校科研资助项目(10A020)
关键词 喷动床 等离子体 分布板 流动性能 spouted bed plasma distribution plate flow characteristic
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