The history of thermonuclear fusion research in Korea is rather short compared to that of advanced countries. Ko- rea has been involved in small scaled laboratory plasma experiments since 1960s, fusion research in Korea began at universi- ties during the late 1970s,with several Tokarnak devices developed and built successively. In 1990s, Korea government em- barked on an ambitious strategy that would vault the research effort to the forefront in fusion science and technology. There- fore, the Korean Superconducting Tokamak Advanced Research (KSTAR) emerged at its proper moment. In this paper, fu- sion energy strategy and direction for the development of the nuclear fusion energy developed by Korean government are in- troduced ,describing KSTAR construction and its main achievements, presenting ITER Korea Domestic Agency, its ITER project undertaken, and the strategic plan of Korea for developing fusion eneraw.
World Sci-Tech R&D
科技部国家软科学(2009 GXS1B138)资助