There are 32 species of scale insects and 52 of their natural enemies in the citrus orchard of Guizhou Province. Among them there are 12 new records. The frequency concept of botany has been used for understanding the distribution feature of the scale-enemy. 40 species have been divided into three types: eurytopic species is 5, frequent species 5, rare species 30, This shows that the true pest-insect is rare. By using Berger-Parker dominance index, pest-insect dominant species and enemy-insect dominant species can be determined. The result shows that the arrowhead scale is the most important pest-insect dominant, and the Chilocorus bijugus Mulsant is enemy-insect dominant species in the vicinity of Guiyang. Shanon-Weaver's diversity index analysis shows that tree-aged, pest management techniques, different region, different season etc. influence the structure of scale-enemy community.
Guizhou Science