[目的]揭示有机氯和菊酯类农药对葛氏鲈塘鳢的毒性效应。[方法]采用换水式毒性试验方法研究硫丹和高效氯氟氰菊酯对葛氏鲈塘鳢的急性毒性效应。[结果]硫丹对葛氏鲈塘鳢24、48、72、96 h的半致死浓度(LC50)分别为18.58、12.46、11.38和7.59μg/L,安全浓度为1.68μg/L。高效氯氟氰菊酯对葛氏鲈塘鳢的24、48、72、96 h LC50分别为2.49、2.37、1.93和1.72μg/L,安全浓度为0.65μg/L。根据化学物质对鱼类毒性的分级标准,硫丹和高效氯氟氰菊酯对葛氏鲈塘鳢的毒性属于剧毒。[结论]该研究丰富这2种常用农药对鱼类的毒理学数据,也为农药的安全使用提供理论依据。
[Objective] The research aimed to reveal the toxic effcct of organic chlorine and lambda-cyhalothrin on Perccottus glenii.[Method] The toxic effect of endosulfan and lambda-cyhalothrin on P.glenii was studied by an acute semi-static toxic test.[Result] 24,48,72,and 96 h LC50 of endosulfan on P.glenii were 18.58、12.46、11.38 and 7.59 μg/L respectively,and its safe concentration was 1.68 μg/L.24,48,72,and 96 h LC50 of lambda-cyhalothrin on P.glenii were 2.49,2.37,1.93 and 1.72 μg/L,and its safe concentration was 0.65 μg/L.According to the classification standards of toxic chemicals on fish,endosulfan and lambda-cyhalothrin were highly toxic.[Conclusion] The research enriched the toxicological data of these common pesticides on fish and could provide theoretical basis for safe use of pesticides.
Journal of Anhui Agricultural Sciences