1.Neutrino research occupies an important position in particle physics In 1930,Austrian physicist Pauli[1]proposed the neutrino hypothesis to explain the loss of energy in the process of beta decay.But since neutrinos are uncharged and nearly massless(less than one millionth of the electron mass)and rarely interact with other matter(interact via only the weak force and gravity),they are very diffi cult to detect.For that reason,for a long time,neutrinos only appeared in the equations of theoretical physicists and experiments had failed to confirm their existence.In 1934,Italian physicist Fermi proposed the theory of beta decay that incorporates the neutrino,which was quantitatively consistent with experimental data.In 1941,Chinese physicist
1. Neutrino research occupies an important position in particle physics
In 1930, Austrian physicist Pauli proposed the neutrino hypothesis to explain the loss of energy in the process of beta decay. But since neutrinos are uncharged and nearly massless (less than one millionth of the electron mass) and rarely interact with other matter (interact via only the weak force and gravity),