中国目前正在制定的“十五”计划已经初步确定了吸引外资的重点。据国家计委权威人士透露,在“十五”以至21世纪前10年,中国经济仍将保持较高的发展速度,预计GDP年平均增速达到7—8%的增长速度,捎费水平将有一个较大幅度的提高,城乡市场规模将进一步扩大,这无疑将对外商直接投资特别是大型跨国公司投资构成强大吸引力。 从产业结构调整和升级以及目前外商投资的产业构成及其影响看,中国在“十五”期间将以产业结构调整作为吸引外资的重点,并以此加大对外商投资的产业导向。
According to authoritative sources of the State Development Planning Commission, in the first 10 years of the 21st century, China will continue to maintain a relatively high economic growth. The average annual increase rate of GDP is expected to be 7-8% with consumption uplifted to a higher level and urban and rural market expanded further. This will undoubtedly be highly attractive for direct foreign investment, especially that of large multinationals. China will set as the priority for attracting foreign investment industrial structural adjustment during the Tenth Five-year Plan period(2001-2005)and make it strengthen industrial guidance for foreign investment.- Guiding foreign investment to primary and tertiary industries.- Reducing investment in consumer goods production.- Increasing investment in technology-oriented industries.- Opening service industries, such as the financial sector.
Foreign Investment in China