

Wuxi New Area:Busir ess Representatives of Multinationals on How to Face WTO
摘要 不久前,在无锡新区国际咨询顾问委员会召开的第三届年会上,不少委员(这些委员大都是已在无锡新区投资的跨国公司亚太区或中国区的高级行政管理人员和长期以来始终关注无锡新区发展的国外跨国公司和投资咨询机构的高级管理人员等)就中国加入WTO与无锡新区跨世纪发展等重大问题进行了广泛、深入地讨论与论证。这些意见可供有关部门参考。本刊择其部分发言摘要刊发于后,以飨读者。 Editor's Notes: In the recent Third Annual Meeting held by Wuxi New Area International Consulting Advisory Committee, many business representatives of multinationals made in-depth and extensive discussions on important issues, such as China's entry into the WTO and the development of Wuxi New Area in the new century. These opinions can be of reference to relevant departments. The following are some selected speech abstracts.Wu Gangping (General Manager of US Anderson China Co., Ltd.)I would like to discuss how Chinese enterprises face the challenges after China's entry into the WTO from the following aspects.In terms of capital source of enterprises, Chinese enterprises used to raise funds by using the accumulated funds in the process of development and loans. With the opening of the financial sector, there will be more methods and channels for raising funds. I hope that Chinese enterprises can find different ways to raise funds.In terms of management level, we have seen that many Chinese enterprises are not as competitive as their foreign counterparts. One of the important reasons is that Chinese enterprises lag behind in management level. For example, there lacks a shared database and statistics are not timely and reliable. Moreover, the development of enterprises cannot make adjustments along with the development of the market. Business procedures are sometimes not standard and responsibilities are not clearly set, thus resulting in awkward business procedures and irrational plans.In terms of market preparation, I think multinationals are strong competitors of Chinese enterprises with their rich financial strength, high-tech contents, global sales network and good credit. Chinese enterprises also need to establish a global economic mode to compete with them. Besides in the Chinese market, Chinese enterprises should also find opportunities in the overseas market. For example, Haier Group has developed from a domestic enterprise into a multinational. But in China there are not many enterprises like Haier and our goal is to create more such enterprises.Talented personnel is also an important factor. I believe the success of an enterprise depends on its talents. Here I have three points to mention: first, we have to proceed from the corporate structure on how to provide an environment to motivate employees. Second, in terms of development of employees, we often talk about human resources and I prefer to use the term 'human capital'. Resources can be used up whereas capital can be incremented. We have to find ways for its appreciation. Third, how to recruit fine talents. Fine talents need to learn in the corporation for better development.Hans Miller (US insurance company)For countries that already entered into the WTO, the insurance industry has played a pivotal role in their successful development. Wuxi has made great successes in its industry, technology and other service fields and should also get its shares in the financial and insurance sector.What can Wuxi do in the insurance sector?1) First, it will continue to be an important labor market. The financial service sector will employ a large number of special staff of different levels, and will bring about many job opportunities.2) The local government should stress that all insurance companies in market operation must keep a high service level and provide valuable services for customers.3) The local government should help foreign companies to have access to useful economic data they need.4) The local government should help these foreign insurance companies to provide basic insurance knowledge for the local people.5) New distribution channels should be built and Wuxi government is strongly aware of this.6) Foreign insurance companies are encouraged to adapt to the environment so that they can recover their investment in a short period.Shinichiro Sugano(Councilor of Sino-Japanese Investment Promotion Council)At the tenth Joint Conference of Sino-Japanese organizations in Tokyo last August Japanese managers expressed their for China's entry into the WTO in their speeche
作者 一丁
出处 《中国外资》 2000年第12期36-40,共5页 Foreign Investment in China
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