

Is Wang Guowei's Theory of the Poetic State Focused on Feelings: A Discussion with Mdm. Ye Jiaying
摘要 叶嘉莹先生在《王国维及其文学批评》中将"境界"说阐释为"作者之感受""在作品中作鲜明真切的表现"。若以《人间词话》对这一阐释进行反观,不难发现其缺乏"境界"说的理论话语及批评话语的充分支撑,存在着诸多问题:一、在阐释"境界"说的核心时,不仅消解了"情"、"景"本身特性,也消解了诗人自觉的创作追求和主动的情感投入;二、在阐释其性质时将主客并举的二元论阐释为主观表现的一元论;三、在阐释其义界时,扩大了其内涵;四、在阐释"造境"和"写境"时陷前者于无立足之地;在阐释"有我之境"和"无我之境"时,误把现实利害关系混入审美观照和艺术创作中,作为二者的区别。"境界"说的着眼点并非"作者之感受",而是"情"、"景"之特性。 In her book Wang Guowei and His Literary Criticism, Mdm. Ye Jiaying describes the theory of poetic state as "a vivid expression in the work [ ……ofl the feelings of the author. " If Ye' s interpretation of the theory is interpreted within the context of the book, however, it may be found that Ye' s interpretation is insufficiently supported by the theoretical discourse and practice. The problem in Ye' s interpretation include the following. Firstly, her interpretation of the essence of the theory dissolves not only the intrinsic characteristic of "the emotion" and "the scene" but also the poet's conscious artistic pursuit and active emotional engagement. Secondly, Ye' s interpretation in terms of subjective expressionism simplifies the dual nature of the poetic state which integrates both the subjective and the objective representation. Thirdly, 's interpretation expands the original concept. Fourthly, when interpreting the creative state and descriptive state, Ye leaves no space for the former, while interpreting the self - involved and the self - detached states, she brings the interests in the physical world into aesthetic contemplation and artistic creation. The paper maintains that Wang Guowci' s theory of the poetic state is not built on the feelings of the author but on in built nature of the scene and the emotion.
作者 耿志
机构地区 西南大学文学院
出处 《文艺理论研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第2期94-99,共6页 Theoretical Studies in Literature and Art
关键词 境界说 “感受” 王国维 叶嘉莹 义界 the theory of the poetic state feeling Wang Guowei Ye Jiaying meaning realm
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  • 2王国维.《人间词话》,徐调孚校注.北京:中华书局,2012年.
  • 3杨佩昌.“文学小言”,《王国维:历史、文学、戏曲论稿》.北京:中国画报出版社,2010年.
  • 4叶嘉莹.“王国维及其文学批评”,《迦陵文集》(第2卷).石家庄:河北教育出版社,1997年.








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