

Miscanthicoccus miscanthi (Takahashi) (Homoptera: Pseudococcidae) —A New Record form Mainland of China
摘要 作者1986年9月在花溪河边的五节芒Miscanthus floridulus(LabiⅡ.)Warb.(Poaceae)上采到一种粉蚧。经鉴定为台湾芒粉蚧Miscanthicoccus miscanthi(Takahashi)。这是在中国大陆的第一次记录。 A detailed redescription and illustration of the adult female of Miscanthicoccus miscanthi (Takahashi) is provided. The specimens were collected on Miscanthus floridulus (Labill.) Warb. (Poaceae) by the author from Huaxi, Guizhou Province, China. This is the first record of M. miscanthi from the mainland of China.Miscanthicoccus miscanthi was originally described from Taiwan on Miscanthus sp. (Takahashi, 1928). Borchsenius (1960, fig. 13) provided an illustration of M. miscanthi based on Takahashi's type specimens. Trilocular pores and oral collar tubular ducts were originally described as absent by Takahashi (1928) but are observed later by the same authou (Takahashi, 1957).The specimens described here are slightly different from the specimens from Taiwan and Japan. The specimens studied have 3-4 cerarii and the oral collar tubular ducts in group of 1-7 distributed in submarginal areas on each side of dorsal abdominal segments Ⅴ—Ⅷ and on each ventral body segment. The specimens from Taiwan and Japan have only 2 cerarii and the oral cooilar tubular ducts present only on the posterior part of venter (Takahashi, 1928, 1957). These differences are treated as the intraspecific variations in this study. The identification of the specimens studied here as M. miscanthi was confirmed by Wang (1989, in lift.) to whom I sent some specimens and for which I am very grateful.Miscanthicoccus Takahashi (Takahashi, 1957) is a monotypic genus in the tribe Trabutini. Borchsenius (1960) provided a key to six closely related genera including Miscanthicoccus. Young (1982) gave a key to 10 genera of the tribe Trabutini that occur in China Miscanthicoccus can be separated from other genera by the following combination of features: sclerotised area surrounding each spiracle, mulitlocular pores present over dorsum and venter.4—5 circuli,short oral collar tubular ducts, broad anal ring and 3—4 cerarii.Miscanthicoccus miscanthi is probably endemic to Asia because the host-plant genus,Miscanthus,is endemic to this region.Miscanthus is now also naturalised in Australia(WA and NSW).
作者 秦廷奎
机构地区 贵州农院植保系
出处 《贵州农学院学报》 1991年第1期53-55,共3页
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