目的 为了进一步提高手术室腔镜设备的管理工作和减少工作过程中不必要的失误,分析和研究将精细化管理应用到手术室腔镜设备器械管理中的可行性和必要性.方法 将2008年1月~2013年1月的400例行手术治疗的患者按照随机双盲的原则分为观察组和对照组各200例,其中观察组患者200例采取精细化管理治疗,对照组患者200例采取非精细化管理治疗,将随访资料进行统计学分析,对比两组患者对治疗过程的满意程度及护理质量的提高程度.结果 经过统计分析发现,观察组患者经过精细化的管理其对治疗过程的满意程度显著优于对照组患者,两组比较差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05);通过实施精细化管理,护理质量较前有显著提高,管理前后比较差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05).结论 在手术室腔镜设备器械管理中应用精细化管理,不仅可以提高护士的自觉主动性,改善护理质量,而且有助于提高患者对治疗过程的满意程度,减少治疗过程中不良事件的发生率,改善医患关系,值得临床工作者们应用和借鉴.
Objective To further improve the management of endoscopic equipment in operating room and reduce un- necessary mistakes during operation, analyze and study the feasibility and necessity of meticulous management applied in the equipment management of endoscopic equipment in operating room. Methods A total of 400 patients with surgi- cal treatment during January 2008 to January 2013 were divided into observation group and control group in accor- dance with the principle of random and double-blind , 200 cases in each group,the observation group was treated by meticulous management and the control group took non- sophisticated management treatment ,analyzed the follow-up datas by statistical software, compared the satisfaction and improvement degree of nursing quality of the two groups in therapeutic process. Results After statistics analysis, the results showed that the satisfaction degree of observation group was significantly better than the control group , the differences of two groups were statistically significant (P 〈 0.05); after meticulous management ,the nursing quality had increased significantly than before, the differences before and after management were also statistically significant (P 〈0.05). Conclusion Applying endoscopic equipment in the the equipment management of endoscopic equipment in operating room not only can improve the consciousness and ini- tiative of nurses,improve the quality of nursing , but also improve the satisfaction degree of patienta in the treatment process and reduce the incidence of adverse reactions,having improved the doctor-patient relationship , it is worth be- ing applied and learnt by clinicians.
China Modern Doctor
Meticulous management
Operating room
Endoscopic equipment
Satisfaction degree
Quality of nursing