
运输机器人行为建模的Petri网方法 被引量:3

Behavior modeling of transport robot using Petri nets
摘要 针对建立运输机器人的精准行为模型所遇到的新困难,提出采用含禁止弧Petri网(PN)建立其行为模型。运输机器人行为有耦合、制约、异步等特点,采用含禁止弧的行为交互Petri网元模型以及token流动控制机制建模其行为。通过LabVIEW2012及Robotics模块,将Petri网模型转化为LabVIEW程序,在运输机器人平台进行行为验证。结果实现了运输机器人的行为与交互逻辑,具有行为辨识、决策与执行能力。验证了含禁止弧Petri网为运输机器人的行为建模提供了一种适用方法,建立的Petri网模型为运输机器人的相关行为设计提供模型参考。 New difficulties are met when establishing accurate behavioral models of a transport robot. To solve this problem, behavioral models of a transport robot were built using Petri Nets (PN) with inhibitor arcs. There exist coupling, constraint, and asynchronization relationships among the behaviors of a transport robot. A Petri net metamodel with inhibitor arcs of interactive behaviors as well as a token flow control mechanism were utilized for modeling the behaviors of a transport robot. The Petri net models were converted into LabVIEW programs using LabVIEW2012 and the Robotics module. The robot behaviors were verified using a transport robot platform. The experimental results demonstrate that the transport robot's behaviors and interaction logic are achieved, and that the robot has behavioral identification, decision-making and implementation capabilities, and it is a suitable method model the behaviors of a transport robot using Petri nets with inhibitor arcs. The reference models of Petri nets are given for designing related behaviors of transport robots.
作者 袁杰 李伟
出处 《计算机应用》 CSCD 北大核心 2014年第5期1360-1363,1368,共5页 journal of Computer Applications
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(61164012) 国家留学基金资助项目(20125030)
关键词 PETRI网 建模 运输机器人 行为 禁止弧 Petri Net (PN) modeling transport robot behavior inhibitor arc
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