
图书馆学习空间利用初探——以香港中文大学图书馆“进学园”为例 被引量:25

Library as a Learning Space——A Case Study of the Learning Garden at the Chinese University of Hong Kong
摘要 近年来学术图书馆学习空间再成为欧美图书馆界的研究热点,新的馆舍空间展示未来学术图书馆的面貌。文章以香港中文大学图书馆新启用的学习空间使用调查为例,论述学生对社交学习空间的认受程度、个人与小组学习比例及在新的学习空间进行的小组学习活动情况。 In recent years, there are growing interest in studying the library as a place and learning space. Newly built library provide a glimpse to the future of academic libraries. This paper discusses the new learning space "Learning Garden" at the Chinese University of Hong Kong Libraries; It covers the usage in the first year, and the results of the survey study on individual and group use, mix of disciplines and learning activities in the new learning space.
作者 刘丽芝
出处 《图书馆论坛》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第5期107-113,共7页 Library Tribune
关键词 图书馆学习空间 学习共享空间 社交学习空间 用户调查 高校图书馆 library learning space learning commons social learning space user survey academiclibrary
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