
野生二粒小麦粒重QTLs位点分析 被引量:3

Analysis on QTLs Controlling Grain Weight in Triticum dicoccoides
摘要 为了挖掘野生二粒小麦的优异基因资源,对从以色列魏茨曼科学院引进的一套以普通小麦品种中国春为遗传背景的野生二粒小麦染色体臂渐渗系(Introgression lines,渐渗系)进行了一年两点的田间试验,考查了构成粒重的三个重要因子即粒长、粒宽和千粒重。结果表明,8个渐渗系(3AS、7AL、5AS、1BS、7AS、3BL、2AL、1BL)的籽粒显著宽于亲本,推断在这些染色体臂上至少有一个正效QTL控制野生二粒小麦的粒宽;同样可以推断,12个控制野生二粒小麦粒长的正效QTLs分别定位在2AS、7AL、1BL、4BS、3AS、7BS、4BL、7AS、5BS、2BS、3AL、6AS上;5个控制野生二粒小麦千粒重的正效QTLs分别定位在7AS、4BS、7AL、1BS、6AS上。各粒重构成因子关联性分析表明,粒长、粒宽和千粒重主要受遗传因素调控,粒长和粒宽都与千粒重显示出较高的遗传相关性。 Wild emmer wheat, the progenitor of common wheat, possesses some elite characters, can be used as important genetic resources in wheat improvement. To exploit elite gene resources of wild emmer wheat, a set of common wheat-wild emmer chromosome arm introgression lines (ILs) were in- troduced from Weizmann Institute of Science in Israel, and were tested in two different experimental sites in one year. Three essential factors of grain weight (grain length, grain width and thousand ker- nel weight) were measured and used for QTL analysis, and eight positive QTLs controlling grain width were detected on chromosomes 3AS, 7AL, 5AS, 1BS, 7AS, 3BL, 2AL and 1BL separately, twelve positive QTLs on grain length on chromosomes 2AS, 7AL, 1BL, 4BS, 3AS, 7BS, 4BL, 7AS, 5BS, 2BS, 3AL and 6AS, and five positive QTLs related to thousand kernel weight on chromosomes 7AS, 4BS, 7AL, 1BS and 6AS. Correlation analysis indicated that thousand kernel weight were mainly influenced by genetic factor. grain length, grain width and Grain length and grain width showed high genetic correlation coefficients with grain weight.
出处 《麦类作物学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第3期298-303,共6页 Journal of Triticeae Crops
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(31071421、31201208) 浙江省自然科学基金项目(LQ12C13003) 浙江省旱粮农业新品种选育重大科技专项(2012C12902-2-6) 浙江省植物有害生物防控重点实验室开放基金项目(2010DS700124一KF1103).
关键词 野生二粒小麦 粒重 遗传定位 Triticum dicoccoides QTLs Grain weight Genetic mapping
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