通过计算分析提出了甘肃 330 /2 2 0kV电磁环网解环运行的方式及存在的电网卡脖子和局部电网可靠性降低问题 ,针对存在的问题给出解决的方法和对策。并结合甘肃 2 2 0kV电网分网运行后暴露出的兰州 2 2 0kV电网中电源建设和负荷发展不平衡问题 。
Ring-untying operation of 220kV electromagnetic ringed network in Gansu Province is set forth through calculation and analysis in this paper. In the light of exiting faults and low reliability of network, related method and countermeasure are provided. Combing with unbalance power source construction and load development after subnetwork operation of Gansu 220kV network , some useful advises are put forward for the development of Gansu power system.
Northwest China Electric Power