
Web2.0时代的参与式治理:争议与反思 被引量:17

Participatory Governance in Web2.0Era:Argument and Reflect
摘要 随着web2.0时代的来临,参与式治理备受关注也充满争议。乐观主义者认为web2.0开启了参与式治理的新希望,参与式治理梦想将成为现实。然而,在另一些人看来,web2.0时代的参与式治理只是一厢情愿的幻想而已,其中蕴含着新的治理危机。这种争议为web2.0时代的公民参与提出了一个值得深思的问题,即面对新技术的流行,政府到底应该怎样应对。 With the rapid development of web2.0, participatory governance drew people's attention more and more but with ar- guments. Optimistsoptimistoptimist think that web2.0 means wish and make the dream of participatory governance come true soon, but others argue that this is just an illusion with people's own wishful thinking because of the draw- backs of web2.0, even which means new crisis in governance. This argument raises an important reflect on what should government do faced with web2.0?
出处 《中国行政管理》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第5期69-72,共4页 Chinese Public Administration
基金 国家社科基金重大招标课题"地方服务型政府建构路径与对策"(编号:09&ZD063) 国家社科基金青年项目"突发群体性事件过程中地方政府政务微博管理机制研究"(编号:12CZZ019)
关键词 WEB2 0 参与式治理 政府治理 web2.0, oarticioatorv governance, government governance
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