
促进我国藏医药产业发展的法律建议 被引量:9

Legal Suggestions on Promotion of Tibetan Medicine Industry
摘要 藏医药产业作为藏区特色经济支柱型产业,市场前景广阔,对我国藏区经济发展、提高国家文化软实力具有积极的推动作用。文章分析了藏医药标准化体系不完善、藏医药人才组织结构不合理、藏医药材资源保护不足、藏医药知识产权与商业秘密保护不力等制约因素对我国藏医药产业可持续发展的影响。建议通过统一藏医药认定、评价标准;健全藏医药人才培养体系;建立藏医药品牌推广机制;构建藏医药资源可持续利用机制;完善藏医药知识产权与商业秘密保护等多种措施促进藏医药产业健康、科学的发展。 As the pillar industry of the characteristic economy of Tibetan areas, Tibetan medicine, which has extensive market prospects, is helpful to the development of economy in Tibetan areas and promotion of national cultural soft power. However, factors such as imperfect standardization system, unreasonable personnel structure, insufficient protection of Tibetan medicine materials, and ineffective protection of intellectual property rights and trade secrets bring negative influence on the sustainable development of Tibetan medicine industry. Thus, in order to guarantee the healthy and scientific development of Tibetan medicine industry, it is necessary to unify ratification and assessment criteria, improve training system, establish mechanism such as brand promotion, sustainable use of Tibetan medicine materials and improved intellectual property rights and trade secrets protection on Tibetan medicine.
作者 才让旺秀
机构地区 四川大学法学院
出处 《西藏大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2014年第1期51-56,共6页 Journal of Tibet University
基金 2011年度国家社会科学基金重大招标项目"马克思主义民族理论中国化与民族政策的完善创新研究"(项目号:11&ZD058) 2011年度国家社会科学基金重点项目"西部城市发展进程中藏族就业状况调查与政策法律建议"(项目号:11AMZ006)阶段性成果
关键词 藏医药产业 可持续发展 法律建议 Tibetan medicine industry sustainable development legal suggestion
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