目的 :观察正畸治疗后牙牙合关系的改善状况。方法 :运用ITRI分析法对 2 2例经方丝弓矫治后病案的牙牙合关系进行了分析。结果 :仅后牙段ITRI和唇舌侧关系ITRI矫治前后的差异无统计学意义外 ,其余指标矫治前后的差异均有统计学意义。总ITRI从矫治前的 34 .7%上升到矫治后的 5 4%。矫治后前牙ITRI的增加幅度(从 19.6 %增加到 6 2 .1% )较后牙 (从 40 .7%增加到 41.1% )为高。其中前牙邻接关系的改善最大从 10 .7%增加到 78.6 % ;后牙段邻接关系的改善高于颊舌侧关系的改善。结论 :牙合关系的改善程度 ,是前牙优于后牙 ;牙合内优于牙合间 ,颊侧优于舌侧。这表明 :牙牙合关系的改善与牙弓所在部位的可视度有密切关系。可视性好的部位 ,牙牙合关系的改善程度较高 ;反之 。
Objective:To observe the improvement of occlusion relationship in post treatment cases.Methods:Applying the ITRI analysis to analyze the occlusion relationship in 22 cases under standard edgewise treatment.Results:The difference between pre and post treatment scores was statistically significant, except posterior,buccal and lingual scores.The total index scores improved from 34.7% to 54% as a result of orthodontic treatment.As a result of treatment the anterior segment showed higher index scores than the posterior.The interarch relationships of the anterior segment registered the highest (from 10.7% to 78.6%).Buccal relationships in the posterior segment produced higher scores than the lingual segment.Conclusion:Judging from the improved degrees of occlusion relationship,it seems that the improvement of anterior segment is better than that of posterior segment;the improvement of intraarch relationship is better than that of interarch: the improvement of buccal relationship is better than that of lingual.It shows that the improved relationship is closely related to the visible positions in dental arch.The better these positions are,the higher degree of the improvement, visa versa. [
Journal of Comprehensive Stomatology