在伤寒发病、传变过程中 ,不仅有寒盛阳虚证 ,亦有热盛津伤证。《伤寒论》中始终贯穿着“存阴液”的基本精神 ,在治疗上开养阴保津法运用于临床之先河。张仲景用养阴存津法治疗伤寒 ,既有用补法滋阴生津 ,尚有将其融于汗、吐、下、和、温、清等其它治法之中。既有用养阴药物滋阴生津 ,尚有不投养阴之品 ,亦获护阴存津之效。其创制的多首滋养阴液及祛邪存津的著名方剂 ,为养阴存津治法的理论建立和临床应用奠定了基础。
Both the syndrome of hyperactivity of cold and deficiency of yang and the syndrome of hyperactivity of heat with exhaustion of body fluid occur during the onset and progress of febrile diseases. Treatise on Febrile Diseases first put forward the view of using the method of nourishing yin to retain body fluid. In applying this method to the treatment of febrile diseases, ZHANG Zhong jing used tonification method to nourish yin to retain body fluid and also used this method in combination with diaphoresis method, emesis method, purgation method, regulation method, warming method, and heat clearing method. By using drugs for nourishing yin or by using drugs without this action, the effect of nourishing yin to retain the body fluid can be achieved. The famous prescriptions for nourishing yin, removing pathogens and retaining body fluid laid the foundation for establishment of the theory of nourishing yin to retain body fluid and for the clinical application.
Journal of Nanjing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine
Treatise on Febrile Diseases
nourishing yin to retain body fluid
method of treatment