
颅脑超声在新生儿脑室周围——脑室内出血的诊断应用 被引量:6

The application of ultrasound in diagnosis of theperiventricular-intraventricular hemorrhage
摘要 目的评价颅脑超声在新生儿脑室周围-脑室内出血诊断中的应用价值。方法设立病例组150例、对照组150例。均在出生后第3~7d对其进行常规颅脑超声检查,并记录相关数据。结果本研究共诊断新生儿脑室周围-脑室内出血167例,其中病例组104例、对照组63例,两者差异有显著意义(P〈0.01)。其中Ⅰ级占53.89%(90/167)、Ⅱ级占27.54%(46/167)、Ⅲ级占10.78%(18/167)、Ⅳ级占7.78%(13/167)。病例组中患儿胎龄越小、出生体重越小,发病率越高,程度越严重(P〈0.05)。结论颅脑超声可以较好诊断新生儿脑室周围一脑室内出血。 Objetive: To assess the application of neonate cerebral ulteasound in diagnosis of the periventricular - intraventricular hemorrhage (PIVH). Methods: Set up a case group and control group (n -- 150). All were undwent regular cerebral ultrasound ex- amination in 3 to 7 days after birth, and recorded the related dates. Results: 167 PIVH cases were diagnosed by ultrasound, inclu- ding 104 cases in case group and 63 cases in control group. Both compared, the difference was significant (P 〈 0.01 ). Of the 167 cases, Ⅰ grade were 53.89% (90/167), Ⅱ grade were 27.54% (46/167), Ⅲ grade were 10. 78% (18/167), Ⅳ grade were 7.78% (13/167). In case group, the smaller of gestationl age and birth weight, the more serisous the degree of incidence is higher (P 〈 0. 05 ). Conclusion : Cerebral ultrasound can diagnose PIVH well, and shoud be as a routine newborn screening and follow - up inspection project.
出处 《中国优生与遗传杂志》 2014年第4期87-88,共2页 Chinese Journal of Birth Health & Heredity
基金 浙江省丽水市人民医院萌芽基金
关键词 颅脑超声 新生儿 脑室周围-脑室内出血 Celebral ultrasound Infant Periventricular - intraventricular hemorrhage
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