
2013年新加坡:政治、经济与外交 被引量:4

Singapore in 2013:Politics,Economy and Diplomacy
摘要 2013年,新加坡国内社会矛盾日益激化,集会示威多发,执政党面临严峻挑战;经济方面总体表现好于预期,政府扶危济困,关注民生,力求建设温情社会;外交方面,新加坡加强周边合作,深化与美国和中国等大国关系。 In 2013, Singapore's domestic social conflicts out, which made the official party face severe challenges. tended to be sharpened and several public protests broke In economic terms, the annual economic growth of Singa- pore performed better than expected. Government has given more support to the middle and lower classes, paid much attention to people's livelihood, in order to build a warm society. In foreign affairs, Singapore continued to strengthen the cooperation with surrounding countries and deepen the relationships with the United States and China.
作者 胡安琪
出处 《东南亚研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第2期55-60,共6页 Southeast Asian Studies
基金 2012年度广东高校优秀青年创新人才培养计划项目“新时期中国-东盟自由贸易区:进展、问题及对策”(2012WYM_0025) 教育部人文社科重点研究基地暨南大学华侨华人研究院课题 暨南大学重大重点培育课题“东盟一体化及其对中国-东盟关系的影响”(13JNZDPY002)
关键词 新加坡 政治 经济 外交 2013年 Singapore Politics Economy Diplomacy in 2013
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