目的 :为了解长春地区 1998年 7月~ 1999年 6月各级各类综合性医院肺结核病人归口管理情况。方法 :检查1998年 7月~ 1999年 6月各级综合性医院呼吸内科门诊及住院病例 ,X线胸片、痰涂片检查登记、疫情报告卡、转诊单 ,并与结核所实际接到报告卡、转诊单核对 ,无报告卡者为漏报。结果 :35家医疗卫生单位肺结核病人 12 93例 ,其中转诊率 77.34 % ,转诊到位率 5 2 .0 0 % ,疫情漏报率 18.95 % ,查痰率 2 6 .0 6 %。结论 :1在转诊及报卡方面大专院校医院明显优于其他各级综合性医院 ,项目县优于非项目县 (P<0 .0 0 5 )。 2查痰率县 (市 )区级医院优于其他各级综合性医院 ,厂矿医院及大专院校医院查痰率最低 ,项目县优于非项目县 (P<0 .0 0 5 )。
Objective In 1998~1999 all kinds of general hospital puluonary tuberculosis patients belong to administration situation was reported in Changchun.Method Investigate medical unit respitatouy clinic registration hospitalized cases,X-ray chest film examination registration,sputum swear.Microscopic examination registration,epidemic situation report,transfer bill combine with the registration of antituber culosis institute really turn over,epidemic situation cord check,no reporters was called fail to report.Results 35 general hospital pulmonary tuberculosis patients have 1 293 cases,The rate of transfer diagnosis,turn over,expidamic stiuation fail.Sputum suear microscopic examination to report are 77.34% 52.00% 18.95% 26.06% respectively.Conclusion University and college hospitals is superior of all kinds of general hospital.Item couhtry is suporior to non-item county(P<0.005).Belong to the rate of sputum swear microscopic examination,Country hospitals is superior to all kinds of non-country hospitals,Factory and university and college hospitals is the worst,Item county is superior to non-item county(P<0 05).
Jilin Medical Journal