为满足大气环境要素探测激光雷达回波信号检测及实时处理的需求,设计并实现了高精度、大动态范围的多通道高速数据采集系统。系统采用FPGA芯片控制系列芯片间的通信,并结合了USB固件及LabVIEW上位机开发。4通道采样率均达到50 Mb/s,实测系统信噪比SNR≥63.756dBc、有效位ENOB≥9.66,USB上传速率可达12.63Mb/s。结果表明,系统集成度高,可连续稳定工作,满足既定技术指标,现已投入相关应用中。
To satisfy the requirements of detection and real-time processing of received Lidar signals which were aimed to research atmospheric and environmental properties, we realized a multi-channel high speed data acquisition system which has high precision and large dynamic range. The system used FPGA to control the communication between chips, and combined the development of USB driver and LabVIEW software. The sampling frequency is 50Mb/s while the system performance can achieve: SNR≥63. 756 dBc.ENOB≥9.66, transmission speed≥12. 63 Mb/s. It has been proved that the system is highly integrated and can work stably. The system has been applied successfully in the project.
Electronic Measurement Technology