
精神障碍患者非自愿收治程序设计的若干法律问题研究(上) 被引量:4

Several legislative problems in program design for the mental disorder patients' involuntary admission and treatment
摘要 对于精神障碍患者的非自愿收治,应注意保障患者的人身权利,尤其是合理程序保障的权利。比较分析国际上的各国立法,在收治程序各个环节上,均须体现出对人权的保护,其主要问题有:制定强制收治的标准、送治主体、收治主体、初步裁定的步骤和时限、对初步裁定的救济、法律代表人制度、司法审查的介入(或独立第三方的介入)、危险的证明、避免无限期拘留而进行的后续定期审查、患者方获取信息的权利保障、上诉等。我国应坚持程序正义原则,借鉴国际上先进立法经验,弥补我国精神障碍患者非自愿收治程序设计的立法漏洞。 For involuntary admission and treatment of people with mental disorders, the attention should be paid to protect patients personal rights, especially the due process rights. International comparative analysis of vari- ous countries legislation shows, the legislation must reflect the protection of human rights in all aspects of the ad- mission to the program. The main problems include developing mandatory standards for the admission, subject of referral, subject of admission, preliminary adjudication steps and deadlines, relief for the preliminary adjudication, system for the legal representatives, intervention of judicial review (or an independent third party intervention), proof of danger, subsequent periodic review to avoid indefinite detention, protection of patients' rights to access in- formation, appeals and so on. China should learn the experience from other advanced countries" legislation, and make up for our mental health legislative loopholes on the program design for the mental disorder patients' involuntary ad- mission and treatment.
作者 刘瑞爽
机构地区 北京大学医学部
出处 《中国卫生法制》 2014年第2期12-17,共6页 China Health Law
关键词 精神障碍患者 非自愿收治 强制收治 危险标准 精神卫生法 患者利益最大化 法律代表人 司法审查 Patients with mental disorders Involuntary admission and treatment Compulsory treated Subject of referral Subject of admissionl The guardian The legal representativesl MI Standards of danger Mental health law Maximization of patients benefits Guardian The judicial intervention
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